This history was prepared in 2003 as part of the celebration of the Guild’s 50th anniversary.  The guild’s first gathering was April 28, 1953.

Seaview Weavers Guild History
May, 2003

Complied by Astrid Bear

Dipping into our minutes and newsletters from the past 50 years is like stepping into a time warp. Here are a few tidbits:

The first set of minutes in our archives is from January 1956: “Mrs. Walter Schueder was appointed Acting Chairman . . .Mrs. John Wallace as Sec’y Treas.”  Although the use of married names (“Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Martin”) is pretty consistent in the early minutes, by the end of the decade, at least most of us  had our own first names!  Sept. 1959 “Pres. Mrs. Harold Larson, Vice Pres. Hilda Waltmire, Treas. Helen Carlson,” etc.

We’ve always enjoyed our meals and snacks:  April 1956: “After delicious cookies, tea, and coffee the meeting adjourned.”

April 1960:  “At noon, April 26, the Seaview Weavers Guild was served desserts by the hostess committee Cindy De Merritt and Dorothy Wilson.  After the delicious refreshments . . .”

January 1966: “Hostesses for the day were Marjorie Larson and Dorothy McCallum.  Dorothy shared with us some fruit cake, and Marjorie White furnished us with a tasty German torte.” Fruit cake always gets faint praise.

January 1967: “Esther Coleman treated us to “Cactus Candy” and sugared dates.”


Sometimes we went on field trips: September 1957: “We were invited by our tea hostesses, Mrs. Albert Carlson and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, to have tea at the home of Mrs.  Albert Carlson and see her handwoven curtains, and as a further treat to visit the home of Agnes Jacobsen and view the beautiful draperies which were a summer’s project.  At the meeting’s end we were physically and artistically very well satisfied.”

January 1966: “ . . .it has been suggested we make a tour to the Museum of History and Industry where the Seattle Weavers Guild are currently holding an exhibit.  A Motion was made, seconded and carried that we meet at the bank parking lot at 12:00pm Feb. 22 to make the tour.”

February 1968: “It was decided that we go to the Jolly Troll for lunch in place of our March meeting.”

September 1972: “A motion to attend the Weavers’ Exhibition at Eaton’s in Vancouver for our May meeting was made by Addie Lund and seconded by Eunice Laufenberg.

April 1975: “May 27th, 4th Thursday, we will go to see Mrs. Macomber at Oak Harbor.  We will be there 11:00 till 3:00.  Brown bag lunch and be at James Village at 9:00.”


We tried different ways of organizing our meetings.  In the late 50s and early 60s, we often started meetings at noon, with dessert served by the hostess committee after eating sack lunches.  April, 1956: “ . . . the question was if we would discontinue the meetings for July and August, and if the members would like to have the June meeting to be held as a picnic, with suggestions as to where it would be held.”

September 1971: “It was decided to meet at 10am for workshop and each bring a sack lunch and have our lunch as near 1 o’clock as possible, having the business meeting at 12:30.

Sept. 1980: ”The President (Rosemary Newman) said she would like to see members wear name tags at meetings.  She would also like to have a table for just “Show and Tell” items during the meeting.”


We adopted our first Constitution in 1956.  In October 1972, the minutes say, “Betty Jensen, working in a field that is sensitive to racial discrimination, will not be able to continue her membership in our Guild unless there is a statement in our By-Laws or a paper signed by the membership against discrimination.   The next month, the statement “Membership in Seaview Weavers Guild is open to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnic or national background or socio-economic circumstance.  All homemakers residing in the community served by our guild shall have equal access to its programs.”   Well, we thought it was progress at the time!  In 1978, we amended it as follows: “Membership in this organization shall comprise Active and Honorary Members, and is open to all persons without regard to race, color, ethnic or national background and socio-economic circumstance.”   And good-bye homemakers!


And we’ve moved around: Sept. 1956: “In answer to the question put before the members it was moved and seconded that we hold our future meetings in the Community room of the Edmonds National Bank of Commerce.” In March 1960 we started meeting at the Maplewood Community Clubhouse – might this be what’s now known as the Maplewood Rock Club? That space became no longer available on Tuesdays, so we went back to people’s homes in Spring of 1961, then started meeting at the Edmonds Baptist Church (4th and Bell) in October 1961. In September 1962, we started meeting at Washington Federal Savings and Loan in Lynnwood, and were so appreciative of the space that we gave them a potted plant that December. We met at the PUD building in May of 1972, and finally settled, with a sigh of relief, I suspect, at Maplewood Presbyterian in September of 1972.


Meetings have a long tradition of covering a variety of topics, not just weaving: “February 1968: “Members were asked to bring pens, scissors, foam pillow, Aunt Lydia’s yarn or any heavy years for their macramé workshop.” This was apparently quite a craze, for books were purchased and other macramé workshops were held for months!

September 1970: “Our program for the afternoon was a most interesting exhibit of dyed wool by Alice Wallace.  These dyes were all from natural materials gathered from yards and gardens.  She put in many hours to accomplish this.  Alice also showed a towel she had woven.”  It’s nice to think of Alice, with a sunhat, out gathering plant stuffs into a basket!

March 1971: “Evelyn Healas gave a demonstration of chair caning which was very interesting.”


But, naturally, we always come back to weaving.  February, 1957: “The lesson consisted of winding a warp and a demonstration of weaving was given by Mrs. Jacobson.”

September 1961: “Beverly had the making of twenty frame looms . . . a very pleasant afternoon was spent setting up the looms.  Beverly had the construction materials and instructions for the loom worked out to perfection, with  a refresher course on square knots thrown in.”


October 1965: Among old business under discussion was the project for the year. “It will be aprons and upholstery.  Awards of 1st  $7.50 and 2nd $5.00 will be given in each category . . . and will be awarded by popular vote.”

September 1973: “The October program will be weaving with weeds.”

March, 1985: “After lunch Linda turned the program over to Helen Sandvig who gave tips on transparent weaving.  Several members had brought threaded looms, so everyone had a chance to observe the process.”

January, 1992: “An interesting program of Ravenstail Weaving was given by Janet Bratz.”


The library has always been a focal point: April 1961: “Mrs. White reported the Edmonds City County Library willing to keep books and periodicals of the Guild. Books to be taken from the library by Guild members only.”  This apparently didn’t work too well, for in October 1963, “Librarian Opal Reilly discussed placing our books in the Edmonds library. Decision was that Mina Hutt offered to take them to her home.  Opal resigned as Librarian stating that she had such limited space for the books.  Alice Wallace offered to help with the library.”


And we’ve been out in the community: April 1961: Opal Reilly reported on the Edmonds Art Festival to be held in June. “A large space will be set aside for a weaving display.”

February 1970: “Evelyn Staaf gave a report on the Shoreline Handicapped School.  She corrected the statement regarding the loom they are using.  It is a two harness loom instead of eight as previously stated so it is adequate for their use.  She said they have used up the warp and need help in warping  the loom.  Alice Johnson offered to help Evelyn in warping the loom for them.  Eunice Laufenberg donated a warp all ready to put on and Vi Furness donated a warping board for their future use.”


The newsletter as we know it started publication in the fall of 1983.  Helen Sandvig was the first editor, and held that post until Spring of 1989, when she passed the job on to Norma Wood.


We’ve honored those who have passed away , and supported those who have been in need: October 1957: “An appropriate poem read by Mrs. Barton in loving memory of a valued member and friend, Mrs. Myra Marshall, expressed our sympathy and regret at her passing.”

September, 1961: “Mina Hutt reported on Mrs. Fossum’s progress.  There was some noticeable improvement seen.”

April 1962: “Our dear member Ethel Thompson passed away this morning.  There was a discussion on bringing flowers, etc.   Eunice made a motion to donate $5.00 to the Heart Fund, or whatever the family suggests. . .  Motion was carried.”

October 1967: “Mina Hutt thanked the group for get-well cards sent to her.”

September 1992: “Ruth Marie Fish, who has been ill, thanked the members for their support and caring.”


The constants that emerge from our history are these:  We are a caring community that loves handwork of all types, but especially weaving.  We are open to change, both as individuals and as a group. And we like our lunches.  If we can say the same things in another 50 years, we’ll be doing well!