For our January meeting member Shirley Pauls and Valerie Day showed us how to felt with art paper. The activity was enjoyed by our members. Here are some works in progress

Shirley shared with us some of her work and some work made by Meredith Arnold using Art Felt Paper

Our show and tell included knitting by Trish Murphy; woven and fulled color gamp coasters by Yvonne Ellsworth (which are published in Little Looms magazine Spring 2024); felted items by a new member; knitting, pop up cards, and design journal by Valerie Day; and prints and weaving by Vicki Goff.

Next month our program will be on Feburary 13th with Fair Isle Knitting with Leslie Greenquist from All Wound Up. A beginner/refresher knitting group will also be available.

Check out our full calendar of meetings here!